New hearing aids audiologist welcoming

New hearing aids: Is it time to upgrade your hearing aids?

There are many reasons you may want to consider getting new hearing aids.

In our experience the most common reasons are:

  1. You are craving the superior sound experience offered by the latest hearing aid technology.
  2. Your hearing ability has changed, and your current hearing aids are not treating your hearing loss.
  3. Your hearing aids are not working as well as they should.
  4. Recent lifestyle changes are challenging device comfort, style and performance.

Whatever your reason for upgrading, Hidden Hearing has a range of exceptional hearing aids to suit your hearing needs, lifestyle and budget.

A big welcome to new customers!

We are delighted you are entrusting your hearing health to Hidden Hearing. We look forward to meeting you in person at our clinic.

Not a customer, but would like to be?

We would like to invite you for a free comprehensive hearing test. We will examine your current devices to determine if they address your hearing deficit and suit your lifestyle needs. At your consultation, we will provide you with a copy of your hearing test and recommendations so you can make an informed decision. If an upgrade is required, you are under no obligation to purchase. If you wish to proceed with upgrades, we will help you determine your benefit entitlement and explain the finance options available. 



We appreciate our loyal customers, and that is why we are inviting customers with performance, advanced or premium hearing aids to up-trade your hearing aids to the Oticon More. Experience 360° sound superiority and receive generous up-trade discounts. Exclusive to Hidden Hearing customers, this offer is our way of saying thank you for your continued support

Hidden Hearing Patient Loyalty

Rewards Programme

After 3rd Anniversary Date

After 4th Anniversary Date

After 5th Anniversary Date

20% Trade-In Upgrade Discount

15% Trade-In Upgrade Discount

10% Trade-In Upgrade Discount


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Are you new to hearing aids? Read more about how to find the right type for you:
Hearing aids
Guide to finding the right hearing aid

1. You are craving the superior sound experience offered by the latest hearing aid technology

Image shows rechargeable hearing aids
Today’s digital hearing aids are smarter than ever. The most intelligent hearing aid we offer is the Oticon More™. It enables sound on par with natural hearing ability using artificial intelligence and the most advanced technology.

Oticon More state-of-the-art devices offer users 360° sound superiority, delivering 60% more sound to the brain and improving speech understanding by 15%. These clever hearing aids are effortlessly rechargeable and offer Bluetooth connectivity for live streaming to your favourite communications and entertainment devices.

Experience sound as it should be:

  • Support your brain in differentiating between speech and background noise.
  • Improve comprehension and reduce fatigue.
  • Adjust automatically to the specific listening situation in order to optimize performance.
  • Connect easily to various electronic devices (TVs, computers, smartphones, etc.)
  • Have more options for size, fit and colour preferences.
  • Wear almost invisible hearing aids
  • Wear more comfortable devices.

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2. Your hearing ability has changed, and your current hearing aids are not treating your hearing loss

Image shows elderly lady holding hand close to ear to hear better

Whether you wear hearing aids or not, age-related hearing loss can worsen over time. As we age, our hearing ability can decline. If you wear hearing aids, the good news is that wearing hearing aids can slow the rate of decline. The bad news is that if you have been wearing hearing aids for several years and your hearing ability has worsened, your hearing aids may not be suitable to treat your degree of hearing loss.

Book a FREE hearing test

Considering the following questions can help you decide whether you need to adjust your hearing aid or upgrade to a more powerful device that suits your changing hearing needs:

  • Do you turn up the volume on your hearing aids more often than you used to?
  • Do you not hear as well with your hearing aids as you used to?

If you purchased your hearing aids at Hidden Hearing, you are invited for a check-up every 6 months (as part of the Hidden Hearing AfterCare programme). Hidden Hearing offers patients free aftercare for the lifetime of their devices. We recommend you attend regular check-ups to ensure your hearing aids are programmed to deliver the best listening experience for you.

These regular check-ups can serve as a way to receive adjustments to your hearing aids, ensuring that your hearing aids continue to serve you well. 

Image show hand holding a hearing aid

Do you want to try our new hearing aid?

Remarkable speech clarity - Cutting-edge technology - Try hearing aids with a 90-day money back guarantee
Have you had a hearing test within the last 12 months?

Step 1 of 3

3. Your current hearing aids don’t seem to to be working as well as they should

Image shows hands exchanging hearing aid batteries

If you look after your hearing aids well, they can last an impressive 3 to 7 years although they may need a little care and repair during their lifetime. If you experience buzzing, whistling and feedback or have difficulty hearing in-person or on the phone, your hearing aids may need to be repaired, or require replacement.

Hearing aid technology is advancing at the speed of science and upgrading could dramatically improve your hearing ability. The latest rechargeable hearing aid technology helps your brain make better sense of sound, increases speech understanding by 15%, reducing listening effort. Would you like to get up to speed?

Hearing aid adjustment and repair

4. Recent lifestyle changes are challenging device comfort, style and performance

Image shows elderly couple running

We consider hearing ability and lifestyle factors when recommending the best hearing aid to suit your needs.

Simple lifestyle, career and health changes can place new demands on your hearing aids, rendering them unsuitable. If you’ve taken up running, begun working in a busy environment, or have been prescribed glasses, your hearing aids might not be as effective, practical or comfortable as they once were.

You may need hearing aids with more power, diverse features or new capabilities. At Hidden Hearing, we’ll give you expert advice for the right device. Contact us to select a pair of hearing aids and receive a 90-day money back guarantee.

FREE hearing test  

You can also study our 3-step guide to finding hearing aids that suit your current hearing needs

Guide to choosing the right hearing aids